DROP-N. KIOSIDIS S.A. is a modern manufacturing unit engaged in the production and marketing of irrigation equipment. With many years of experience, the company is able to offer reliable solutions through a range of products specially designed for each specific case.

The company’s philosophy and culture regarding the quality of its products, services, and environmental protection serve as the impetus for implementing a Management System that aligns with international standards ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, and ISO 45001:2018.

As part of the Management System, the company’s management is committed to:

  • Complying with the requirements of the standards (ISO 9001, ISO 14001) regarding climate change to ensure overall emission reductions, setting a target year of 2030, as determined by European standards and regulatory legislation.

  • Ensuring continuous improvement of business processes for the effective operation of the company.

  • Meeting customer requirements and expectations.

  • Addressing threats and seizing opportunities as they arise.

  • Taking measures to prevent environmental pollution.

  • Taking measures to protect employees.

  • Taking measures to comply with the requirements of interested parties.

  • Aligning with legislative and regulatory provisions, bilateral signed agreements, as well as any other compliance requirements communicated by the state.

  • Taking all necessary actions to improve the effectiveness of the Management System.

  • Enhancing employee involvement and consultation in decision-making.

Quality, Environment, Safety, Health

These commitments serve as the pillars for:

  • Designing a Management System through which all threats and opportunities, environmental aspects, and any compliance obligations are identified and evaluated, thus setting the appropriate actions for their management.

  • Allocating all human resources as well as the necessary material resources.

  • Implementing all actions necessary to utilize resources for the benefit of all.

  • Promoting solutions based on customer satisfaction, green development, and improvement of labor relations.

  • Communicating with all stakeholders in an effort to inform, as well as establish actions for the prevention/avoidance of adverse situations and the implementation of improvement actions.

  • Monitoring the performance of the System in order to achieve the company’s goals.

  • Reducing waste, increasing recycling rates, and replacing chemicals with more environmentally friendly alternatives.

  • Maintaining the safety and health of employees.

  • Minimizing workplace accidents.

DROP-N. KIOSIDIS S.A. operates within the broader framework of sustainable development, which it seeks to serve. In this direction, it has designed and implemented its Management System with respect for both people and the environment.

This policy is a regulatory tool for the operation of the company, available to anyone who requests it, and is updated during the annual management review or whenever deemed necessary.


Theofylaktos Kiosidis
